
WoW ~ Color theory all around our life ~

Complementary Color (Yellow + Violet)
Analogous Color (Rose Red + Orange + Yellow)
Achromatic Color (Black + White)

Monochromatic Color (Rose Red + Pink/Yellow + Cream Yellow)

Achromatic Color
(Black + White)

Complementary Color (Pink + Light Blue)
Primary Color (Pink + Cream Yellow + Light Blue)
Achromatic Color ( Black + White)

Complementary Color (Red + Green)
Analogous Color (Yellow + Green + Blue)
Achromatic Color (Black + White)

Complementary Color (Red + Green)
Analogous Color (Yellow + Green)
Achromatic Color (Black + White)

Complementary Color (Red + Green)
Analogous Color (Red + Orange, Green +Blue)
Complementary Color (Red + Green)

Monochromatic (Red + Pink, )
Analogous Color (Red+ Orange + Yellow + Green)

Complementary Color (Pink+ Green)

Analogous Color (Green + Blue + Violet)

Primary Color (Red + Yellow + Blue)
Monochromatic( Deep Blue + Light Blue)

Monochromatic (Rose Red + Pink)
Analogous color (Green + Blue)



Show what Color theory ya like

No.1(Before the Lecture)

In this collection, I use the Complementary color theory but with different value to complete it.
The deviation of the color is more/ less than 30 degree.
And the reason for choosing the Complementary Color is because of:
The feature of Complementary Color will lead the both color more brightness and

The contrast color can bring much more variabe look in whole collection, even it only shows 2 colors on each outfit.

No.2 (After the Lecture)
In this collection, you can see the theory of Monochromatic (different value with the same hues), principles of Famillarity, principles of Orders and the colour family is Emphasis of color are alppied in it.



The well known traditional pattern of Burberry is called Haymarket check and its pattern is mainly component by black, white, light brown and red.
What makes it can be that attractive
  • Achromatic color combination
  • Analogous color combination in contrast value + chroma
And that's the "Perfect Formula",
Here i got two more pics to proof it, so let's see is that ture

eg.1 eg.2